Matryoshka. I spend hours typing that word. Is it right now?
Without further ado...remember the matrysohka pattern I showed you earlier? You don't?? How dare you!! ... You know I'm kidding, you can always go back in time in blogs, so head here if you do forget. I was in a blogger swap, and one of my swap item was previewed there. Since the swap is over, I decide to share with all of you who were not in the swap, my merry matryoshkas gift tag set.
Enjoy everyone, and don't forget to share back what you've enjoyed. You don't have to have a blog and post about it, just a simple Flickr upload, or email me the photo will make my day. :)
Have a nice weekend.
*update* From now on all my printables will stay forever on the net! Tell me which of my previous printables you're craving about (just click freebies on the category on your right hand side) and I will share them again, eternally!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Charmed, I'm sure.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Bali Week
(excuse me for such badly taken photographs, I shot more, but these are the most decent looking one, of course without me grinning stupidly, blocking the view)
also... here's a giveaway link you don't want to miss.
daily babbling
Saturday, May 23, 2009
My Ten Things....
I procrastinate.
I am a skeptic. (bah, who says that?)
I think Johnny Depp is the most handsome (does anyone still use this word? All I read now is "hot" and "sexy" nowadays) man on earth.
I think Tim Burton is far from handsome, but his works are.
I love food and everything about it, including eating it.
I am really really bad at social games/sport, like on the pool table, karaoke, bowling, poker, etc.
I love putting something pretty upon my head.
I can't bend my thumb backward and I'm sure you're all bending your thumb backward just now.
I love playing the piano, but not very good at it.
I am addicted to video games, but not playing any recently, because my husband won't let any device into my home. (even the computer is video game free)
I am a skeptic. (bah, who says that?)
I think Tim Burton is far from handsome, but his works are.
I love food and everything about it, including eating it.
I am really really bad at social games/sport, like on the pool table, karaoke, bowling, poker, etc.
I love putting something pretty upon my head.
I can't bend my thumb backward and I'm sure you're all bending your thumb backward just now.
I love playing the piano, but not very good at it.
I am addicted to video games, but not playing any recently, because my husband won't let any device into my home. (even the computer is video game free)
daily babbling,
I broke a kitschy toy parrot...
... it used to be one of hanging features of a kitschy baby mobile toys (made in China, about 1.2US$). The noise it makes, I think, is more suitable keeping a baby awake and alert than drowsing her to sleep. So I used this as a tug-o-war rope with my strong 8 months old baby (hanging mobiles don't really fascinate her now). And.. I pulled the parrot off.
Although he is a kitschy parrot, I thought he looked a little I took a picture of him to cheer him up. Enough about him, I'd like to share a very great news!! I received my 3rd and 4th award simultaneously!
I'd like to give the biggest warmest hugs to Petrushka and Olly, who both run a wonderful blog on their own! So here's the first award.

I'd like to give the biggest warmest hugs to Petrushka and Olly, who both run a wonderful blog on their own! So here's the first award.

The rules of this award are:
1. Each blogger must post this rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts / habits about themselves.
3. Blogger that are tagged need write about their own blog their ten things and post these rules. You need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to live them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog.
...and here's the second one.

So... OK, I have received 2 blog award previously, and both previous precious (say that 5 times!) awards was passed along to my blogger friends on my daily read lists. Why don't we switch the tagging method this time? I want to share this blog award to you! Yes, you my lovely readers! Instead of my daily blog read, I tag you, my daily readers.
How it works?
The first 10 people that comment on this post will receive the first Cute'sBloggerAward I got from Petrushka, and the next ten will receive TheKreativBloggerAward that I got from Olly!! So hopefuly I'll be seeing 20 comments! But please, if you have one or both of these two awards, please don't be greedy, hold your comments until the 21st, OK?
..and to both award, I'll be listing my favorites and my daily facts/habits on later posts. Have a great weekend, folks.
...and here's the second one.

So... OK, I have received 2 blog award previously, and both previous precious (say that 5 times!) awards was passed along to my blogger friends on my daily read lists. Why don't we switch the tagging method this time? I want to share this blog award to you! Yes, you my lovely readers! Instead of my daily blog read, I tag you, my daily readers.
How it works?
The first 10 people that comment on this post will receive the first Cute'sBloggerAward I got from Petrushka, and the next ten will receive TheKreativBloggerAward that I got from Olly!! So hopefuly I'll be seeing 20 comments! But please, if you have one or both of these two awards, please don't be greedy, hold your comments until the 21st, OK?
..and to both award, I'll be listing my favorites and my daily facts/habits on later posts. Have a great weekend, folks.
daily babbling
Friday, May 22, 2009
I'm back...
... from where, I don't want to tell you that now. It's going to be on my posts to come and I'm still uploading and selecting the pictures. For the mean time, since I really really miss you guys (and ladies!), I'm here to share with you a link to Lotta Bruhn's sticker set to download and print. Isn't she talented or what?
paper craft
Friday, May 15, 2009
Weekend Embroidery
Got nothing to do this weekend and still no plans in your agenda (...boy, do I envy you!)?
For embroidery enthusiast, may I present you, my first embroidery pattern. Of course, keep in mind that I don't embroider myself, so when you're stitching up and down and find an obstacle which could be my fault, please give me feedbacks and criticism. Don't hesitate to use your meanest, harshest words in complaining, I really look forward to provide better pattern here.
Just click on the image, it'll sure take you to the biggest view, save, and print. If you need color reference, you can always look at this one, but you're welcome to alter it in anyway you like. If you feel like selling your tea towels/bags/clothing/socks/etc that containing the embroidery, you are most welcome, but please don't sell the pattern itself, it's free! If you are not satisfied with this pattern and on the lookout to something better, you can always check Penguin&Fish and doe-c-doe daily. Don't forget to let me know about your finished products and the inputs too!
For embroidery enthusiast, may I present you, my first embroidery pattern. Of course, keep in mind that I don't embroider myself, so when you're stitching up and down and find an obstacle which could be my fault, please give me feedbacks and criticism. Don't hesitate to use your meanest, harshest words in complaining, I really look forward to provide better pattern here.
my illustrations
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Things ...
...which are beautiful beyond words, I'd rather stop typing and share them with you.
DanaandCarol's paper wreath (thank you Akane!).
aviewto's color letter card.
Amy Lau's via ApartmentTherapy.
random things I love
Two Wins in a day!!
*update* I'd like to share this lucky vibe with you, my friend gave me this wonderful earring giveaway link, the entrants are only 18 so far, so the odds are great. And no, I'm not entering this time, I might win again ;)..haha.
daily babbling,
Friday, May 8, 2009
Little Forest Friends
I have reached 100th post~~no, not this one, apparently, this post is the 102th. How come I missed it?! Aaargh! I should celebrate!! (maybe this is why celebrate rhymes with late, you always celebrate late, no? You don't? Just me? Ok..then..umm...)
I'm kidding about the whole celebration, I'm not going to throw a huge party or anything. Nothing's special about 100th post, I think, there's a long long way to go for this blog, hopefully, I can be a better friend, better listener (or in this case, reader), and of course, write better posts and take/make better pictures.
But, to leave you all my sweet readers occupied and not bored with this post, I make a new picture of little forest friends playing. I am thinking of making an embroidery pattern, if you like, out of this pic, but I can't embroider myself, so I don't know if this pic can work as a pattern. If you're an embroidery expert please, please, tell me of how can I make this pic into a better pattern. Is it fine, or should I narrow the lines, etc? Give me your inputs, lovelies!
I'm kidding about the whole celebration, I'm not going to throw a huge party or anything. Nothing's special about 100th post, I think, there's a long long way to go for this blog, hopefully, I can be a better friend, better listener (or in this case, reader), and of course, write better posts and take/make better pictures.
daily babbling,
my illustrations
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Decorate those Shoulders!
Oddly (well, not too odd if you know me well), I have been super fascinated by shoulder decorations. I even dream about shoulder decorations!! ("what are you talking about, you crazy chick?"). I know, I know, I invented that term. Words sometimes fail me, so here's a quick glimpse of what I'm talking about.
on your left hand side
artlab's aphrodite cotton tank
AAliciaAccessories' corsage brooch (via Modish)
KatieDid's flower collar tutorial (via oneprettything)
on your right hand side
stephanieteague's upcycled dress (via Modish)
Aren't they the perfect things for such adoration?

artlab's aphrodite cotton tank
AAliciaAccessories' corsage brooch (via Modish)
KatieDid's flower collar tutorial (via oneprettything)
on your right hand side
stephanieteague's upcycled dress (via Modish)
Aren't they the perfect things for such adoration?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Girls girls girls...
...are so pretty. Although I'm a girl (not the little pretty one, though, I won't address myself to that kinda girl anymore, nor I'd like to be called a lady, but you know what I mean, I am the one born with both X chromosomes), I love seeing, drawing, painting, anything about them. Let's face it, girls are so much fun to look at (than fat hairy men and skinny geek boys, although sometimes they are quite fun to look at). Even in their 'low brow' state...and no, I'm not fancying girls in "that" way.
Here are my favorite artists that portrayed girls in a low brow celebration..
Benjamin Lacombe
Audrey Kawasaki
Here are my favorite artists that portrayed girls in a low brow celebration..
There are girls painting girls! So I'm not crazy. And oh I've always been a fan of the master of them all, Mark Ryden. But of course, you must have guessed that.
inspiring illustrations
Monday, May 4, 2009

..Aqua! The color of the ocean and a bright sunny sky. My Etsy favorites sporting the color..
(clockwise from top left)
Aqua blue button ponytail holder by vickiesuniquebows at 2.oo$ each, Every Beat of My Heart print by misterrob (don't you love the shop's name?), vesselsandwares' hedgehog bowl for 12.00$, poster by SparklePower at 12$ each.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
I didn't know when international mother's day celebrated on, I just found out that it was on every second Sunday of May. Phew. I thought I was to late. So here's my gift to all daughters/sons everywhere, download the card, print it, and give it to your dear mothers.
Here are some trivia about Mother's day (according to Wiki, not me!):
- Only Indonesia (that's where I'm at!) celebrate Mother's Day on Dec 22.
- Close enough, is Panama, on Dec 8.
- Father's day is recognized first, Mother's day was made to complement it.
- (funny, in Indonesia we don't celebrate Father's day, poor daddies..:))
- There is a Mother's Day International Association!!! (wonder what they're doing on other 364 days?)
Friday, May 1, 2009
Speaking of food...
...lately I've been obsessed with food related blog, nooo..not the kind that writes fancy recipes and deliciously, mouth watering, culinary experience, though I like that kind of blogs too, but "quirky" food blog. Remember food face? We had our fun.
And...I want you all to meet Twinkie!! She eats Yucky Stuff and send us the whole report about it (and videos, they're funny, go watch!).
This is apparently, green tea porridge.. .. .. Ok, weird but you're not thrilled, are you, but I'm saving the worst at Twinkie's place, so this porridge is nothing!
And...I want you all to meet Twinkie!! She eats Yucky Stuff and send us the whole report about it (and videos, they're funny, go watch!).
random things I love
You really are a deer!
Yes, you, tastysuite!! Say hello to my "deer"-est friend, tastysuite, the decals extraordinaire. You might notice that I had previously featured one of her vinyl decal sticker. Guess what? She sent me the exact deer to my home!! Yaaaaay, thank you tastysuite!
A bright Hello that took my breath away...

...well hello, my deer (stop, not funny anymore)!!
As seen in her product pic, I guess the deer look mighty nice on ash/silver laptop surface.. I don't have one, really, but my brother (yes, the one who just recovered from dengue fever) bought a laptop recently, and I think I'm giving the deer to him. Rejoice, mr. New Laptop.
Don't forget to check all of her decals on her shop. All are very unique and one of kind (she accepts custom order, just pick a design and choose your desired colors, and I mean LOTS of colors, not just black, white, and red, you can pick from a total 18 colors.). Don't worry about the DIY you'll be facing, mine too come with a clear step by step instruction sheet. Don't worry about your surface either, they're removable and kind to any smooth surface (you heard me, mr. Laptop, it's going to be you this time, lucky you!). Remember that vinyl is waterproof, so do I hear bathroom walls, anyone? (Sadly, mr. Laptop is not waterproof himself)
Here are some of my favorites from the shop:
I'm a sucker for alphabet, so this would be the top of my list. And picking up an accent color on your initial? Too clever!!
Though seems very creative and out of the box, this one shouldn't be worn with a scissors-happy toddler in the house. He might run his favorite tool on your favorite furniture,... mmm... not good. Otherwise, this is a very witty idea.
Like to have your own wall in the house? Why don't you barcode it?

A bright Hello that took my breath away...
As seen in her product pic, I guess the deer look mighty nice on ash/silver laptop surface.. I don't have one, really, but my brother (yes, the one who just recovered from dengue fever) bought a laptop recently, and I think I'm giving the deer to him. Rejoice, mr. New Laptop.
Here are some of my favorites from the shop:
Style up with this lamp, no space on the table needed, and once again, alphabet on its best.
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