

Hi there! We would really love to help if you want your business/blog/product/site to grow and generate more clicks and views! Here's how..

Babalisme is a blog about crafts, art and design, children, and everything nice. I do regular free printables, craft tutorials/ tips, product reviews, artists/crafters' interviews, and giveaways on the blog. Please note that anything you want to promote MUST be family and children appropriate.

My Google analytics says ( Last Updated : January 2014) :
average of 25,157+ blog visits a month
average of 11,878+ unique visits a day
1400+ Goggle Friends
467+ feedburner subscribers
Google page rank 4
Alexa traffic rank score 1.189.000+
IndonesiaMatters rank 48 (Indonesian) and 8 (English)

My readers statistic :

68% are native English speakers.
64% are women ( There is a huge difference between last year, so I guess, "Welcome, boys!")
64% aged 18-35
32% aged 36-53
63% have a family on their own, with or without children or considering to have children
67% access the blog on their computers with 46% of them using Chrome and Firefox
78% accessed the site on IOS when using mobile devices
16% accesses from Android devices
33% came to my site through Pinterest.

You can purchase a side bar ad spot ; (rate starts as low as US$1 per month.)

  • text link 
  • 120x120 button
  • 120x180 button
Within post promotion ; (starts from US$0, yes, a.k.a free!)

reviews, infographic, interviews, promotions/discount codes, and/or giveaway. 

For more info on rates and requirements, please contact me at