
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halloweenie dress-up printable: Boy Version

I feel like a perfume manufacturer, after a hit with one scent for women I do it again for men. This is purely after tremendous emails and comments ( I got 26 comment for the girl dress up printable, my most commented post so far, thank you!!) asking for a boy version of the dress up halloweenie, and my concern for little boys everywhere playing with a paper dress.

If you have blogged about this, either about the printable or how you are having fun with it, please leave a link in your comment, I'd like to see, of course! Any criticism and/or suggestions are mighty fine, also. That would make my day even brighter than ever. Enjoy!

*** October 2013 update : I'm expiring the Scribd uploaded link and move the file to Google docs, which is user friendly and more awesome, so click away on the newly updated link. It will take you to the google docs site! Or Visit this post for a full list of my Halloween printables. Thank you! *** 


  1. I love your site...I have linked to your site, so take a look at mine and see what you think. http://cynthiabogor.wordpress.com/ Thanks for the download!

  2. how cute!!!!!! Thanks so much!

  3. you are amazing, i wish i could spend one afternoon with you...

  4. I LOVED the little girl Halloweenie! I blogged about how I made it a little more durable for my three year old! http://funnydayswithmommyandmaddie.blogspot.com/2009/10/halloween-dress-up-doll.html
    I am getting ready to print out the little boy one for her now! Thank you so much!

  5. These Halloween paper dolls are so cute! Thanks for making them available. I'm cutting them out now for my lil daycare girl to play with. She is so excited and loves them lots.

  6. It's super adorable!Your work is always amazing!

  7. How sweet of you to keep the boys in mind! This one is every bit as adorable as the other. I especially love the skeleton suit. Great work!

  8. Yeah! Dollie has a boyfriend now! I like ALL his costumes and I think he will look really cute in the skeleton one. How can you be so good with the girl as well as the boy.. I'm impressed!

  9. Adorable! Did you see my doggie dress-up printable? Your kids could do your little people and then my doggie too:-) These are going on my cute Halloween Round-up. Thanks!

  10. I love all your Halloween designs! They are so cute and original. I especially love the invitation card!

  11. Hi! Thanks for commenting over at my site. I love the Halloween printable - very cute.

  12. It's a boy!!! Amazing!! You never find boy things, very cool, very sweet.

  13. These are so cute!! For some reason I can't get them to download :( -do I have to start an acct on this site? Please help I really would like to do this project-Thanks!

  14. These are so cute!! For some reason I can't get them to download :( -do I have to start an acct on this site? Please help I really would like to do this project-Thanks!

  15. Adorable! I just linked this.


  16. You never fail to impress! And these cuties are proof. I shared these with my readers


    Hope it introduces someone new to you :)

    Happy Halloween, thanks again

  17. Thank so much for the boy one! I posted this on our blog too! So much fun - it's scary!

  18. love these! I blogged them here:


  19. I didn't blog about them but I posted a thread about them on my scrapbooking club message board :) They were too cute not to share!

  20. Thanks so much! My three year old has been having so much fun with these. I blogged about it and linked to you on my site, Learning Vicariously :-)

  21. Thank you so much,these are both adorable!

  22. Love these! I made both for my son and can't wait to surprise him with them tomorrow! I've posted a link on Facebook, too!

  23. wow!! it´s a great idea! and they are wonderful!!

  24. Your dress-up printables are amazing.

    Congrats and thank you for your gift.

  25. Thank you for the boy version ! :)

  26. I just saw this through babyology (missed it on oh dee doh somehow!) and am adding it to my blog now....
    love them!!!


  27. Hi. These are soooo cute. I can't seem to get them to download. Is there anyway for you to just email them to me? My email is natalie at stringham dot me


  28. Awww, this is absolutely adorable. :) Thank you for making it available for download!

  29. awwww cute! you have a very nice blog btw ^^

  30. It is rather interesting for me to read that blog. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.

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  31. Aw what a cute!! I have a little baby and I don't know how dressed for halloween! thanks for the ideas!

  32. hey so cute! I love halloween and the halloween costumes! I want to dress my baby like a pirate!

  33. So I have decided that I am totally in love with your site... *sigh* so many ideas! Where to start! I homeschool my 4 year old daughter and I CRAVE cutesy things for her to do and frankly...some "homeschool" exclusive sites have plain tacky and ugly things! So thanks!!!!!

  34. I love him so i linked him too :)\http://lorajeansmagazine.blogspot.com/2010/10/free-halloween-challenge-more-free.html

  35. Is there a way to print the boy dress up doll without subscribing to Scribd and paying for downloads? I LOVE HIM. ---help?!

  36. I am wondering how to download as well

  37. Hi Anonymous,

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience but both girl and boy printable are uploaded on SCRIBD.com. It puzzled me like crazy too on why the girl one is free and the boy one isn't. I think it's Scribd.com policy and new regulation but I don't know how it happened. Last year we don't have any of this problems.

    Here's a tip to all of you trying to download the boy version.Instead of paying, please go to Scribd.com and sign up for free account and upload anything to their site. Your scribble and shopping list would do just fine. If you're registered as their member, you won't be asked any dime to spare before downloading. I hope it helps.

    And I want to apologize to all who emailed or commented that I haven't been able to send each of you the file myself. Either I missed your email address or some of your emails went to the spambox. If you want the printable please email directly to babalisme at yahoo dot com with your active email account. I will take some time to reply each email, please do be patient.

    thank you!

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  68. Really cool and cute. I have one like this when I was a kid. I dress it up and put any accessories that I like, it's a girl though.

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  81. wow..it's a boy version of the dolls. I've read also the girl version...it's cool. . thanks for sharing. . .

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  86. This is so cute!

    We homeschool and this will be a cute little Halloween fun thing. :)

    I very much appreciate the boy version--we have two of those! Ha!

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  97. Adorable! My little guys are too little to play with him, but I think I'll print both the girl and boy versions to hang as part of my Halloween decorations!

  98. Thanks for your post, I like this post very much.

  99. Yes, the post is very interesting and I really like.

  100. Hey its been really a very good and informative post to read on

  101. Oh my HECK are these adorable?! I'm sharing both your boy and girl Halloweenie Dress-Up Dolls in a mega Halloween Printables round up post on my blog this week. Thanks so much for sharing!
    Jaimee @ craft-interrupted.blogspot.com

  102. Cant wait for halloween, this kids love it.

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