Monday, August 16, 2010

Sneak Peek

Can't really believe that Baby G's going to turn 2 this month! When did the little cooing creature start singing a song and dancing to it? I have decided a theme for her party and here's a little peek. Yes, bright colors alert!

Also, out of the topic, my current girl crush, Clemence Poesy (oh, I could mumble that name whole day through), best known as Fleur Delacour (oh, I could mumble that name a whole year long) from Harry Potter series.


  1. I'm sure you're going to throw him the most amazing and colorful party! I hope you post pictures of it later on.

    Have a nice week!


  2. 2 years?!?! Where did the time fly? I can't wait to see more pics- I love the bright colors.

  3. My niece will be two in less than a month. She is all kinds of wonderful! I am sure Baby G is as well. Your crepe paper flowers reminded me of being in kindergarten. We seemed to make them all the time.

  4. Stumbled upon your blog and I love it! Your creativity is contagious and inspiring! Can't wait to see these bright paper crepes theme. There's so much you could do with it. I have a four-year old at home and I remember his "terrible twos". Not so terrible I must say and I remember loving this age.

  5. I can't wait to see more pictures. I'm sure you'll throw him a great party (:

  6. gosh i remember when she turned 1 and that feels like YESTERDAY!!
    i love those tissue pom poms i have them up in my house all year round, so pretty :)

  7. Hi there! Browsing through the net, looking for some crafts and inspiration, and stumbled upon your blog. Thanks for sharing all these lovely (and useful) things. And what a delightful header, did you draw it yourself?

    Happy 2-year birthday to your baby G, hope the party goes well!

  8. Thank you Elle! Always welcome you anytime here!


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