Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Slumber Party Paper Doll Printable

Get your printers ready and loaded, folks! And your magnet paper too! Another paper doll is coming your way!


If you were wondering why lately I made only fair skinned blond girls for my printables, once again, because this were custom made for Averie and Josie, two little girls with exact description as the dolls. Their mom is very generous when I say that I want to share this printable with all of you, at her cost! Thank you! If you want to portray your children, well you can always ask me for a custom made one.

PLEASE respect my effort in making and designing the printable. Though I share it for free doesn't mean you have the right to sell, alter, and/or claim it as your own. Use it for personal use only, if your friends want a copy don't give them yours, give them the link to this post.

PLEASE do tell me if you found the printable elsewhere that violated my rights as the maker.

PLEASE share your real parties, modifications, creations, ideas, etc using the printable, you can send the link on this post or you can send the pics to my email.



  1. Thank you so much for another wonderful doll set!!! It came at the perfect time! We have a cross-country flight this weekend, and this will be a great addition to the Diva's magnet doll collection!!

  2. Thanks a lot!! I am going to print this for my little daughter!

  3. Awe, you're so generous! And so is these kids's mothers! This time in jammies and with cats!

    What a wonderful idea it is to make the dolls similar to some kids in particular!!! I'd love you to design a couple for my future nieces in law! Can you tell me how much that'd cost? I'll leave me e-mail address: shower_your_love@yahoo.com.ar

    Thanks a lot!

    Hope you're having a nice day!


  4. How beautifully sweet! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely work!

    : )

    Julie M.

  5. Thanks so much to both of you- these are wonderful! I love both these little girls. I'll be linking and spreading the word!

  6. yey yey yey!!! i love printable dolls! can i play too? ;-)

  7. cute banget... makasi byk buat sharing gambar2nya... semoga sukses selalu ^^

  8. Just readied my printer. Thank you for this sweet doll set!

  9. very cute! thanks so much for sharing!!

  10. love this design (of course I adore all of your work!) you should group all of your paper dolls together for a fabulous book!

  11. Love these!
    Added your link to my link roundup this week at my blog. Thanks for sharing!

  12. So cute! But my print is not clear and its not my printer. What am I doing wrong?

  13. Thanks so much for making these..and thanks to Averie and Josie`s mom for sharing them!!!

  14. Cute thanks, my daughter will like this very much.

  15. Thank you so very much for sharing your adorable creations! I downloaded a few of the paper dolls and the handbag. You are very talented!
    Thanks again,

  16. OMG! I love your paper dolls. I can't believe you're giving them away for free! That's so generous of you!

  17. This is awsom! Thank you for sharing.

  18. I'd love to be able to download your adorable dolls. Please let me know when they are available for free. THANKS!

  19. Your dolls are adorable! Can you post a link for a free download - Scrib has a monthly fee. Thanks!

  20. These are so adorable but I can't access them without signing up to scribd. will you be making this one and the fairy tale dolls available through googledocs like the others?

  21. These are adorable! Thank you for offering them :) Is there a way to print these without using Scribd? I don't need or want an account there. :) We are about to take a trip and my daughter would love these on some magnets for the car :)

  22. Hi Shelley and Charlotte,
    If you don't want to pay for Scribd fee, you can upload something yourself, and will be granted free membership for life. But if you don't want an account at all, you can print on site (at scribd) without having to download the file to your computer first. Just click print on the site.

    hope it helps!

  23. Babalisme: Slumber Party Paper Doll Printable >>>>> Download Now

    >>>>> Download Full

    Babalisme: Slumber Party Paper Doll Printable >>>>> Download LINK

    >>>>> Download Now

    Babalisme: Slumber Party Paper Doll Printable >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK FQ


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