Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Free Hari Raya Card!

I guess I'm pretty lucky to reside in multicultural Indonesia. I'm pretty proud on that subject. I get to celebrate lots and lots of holidays around here. From Chinese New Year, Easter, Christmas, Halloween.. we didn't have St. Patrick's Day tough, sob. And this is the time of the year for Moslem's Hari Raya or Idul Fitri or Moslem's New Year. I'm not a moslem myself, but like any other Indonesians I do get my share of ketupat lebaran and opor ayam ( those are rice cake dish and stewed chicken with coconut milk, kinda like eggnog to Christmas and turkey to Thanksgiving, really tasty :P)

I get many orders for Hari Raya greeting cards and tags too. But one cracked me up. Since I am not a Moslem, I tried to honor the occasion with a traditional greenish design with diamond pattern. Because I didn't know any better way to portrait this holiday. This client of mine said she's not really satisfied. And I asked "Why? I thought I used green to capture the Fitri spirit?" And she said, "Yeah, yeah, I don't really care about all that, I want a modern design."

I chuckled to myself. It is almost unbelievable how we always portray the "holidays" as "traditional" or "old". You know, blushing fat Santa Claus in Norman Rockwell's illustration, the witch's silhouette for Halloween... and most of all, we always think that there are no modern interpretation of Hari Raya design. It's always Arabic ornaments here, ketupat imagery there... mostly green... Sooooo... I kinda wish I satisfied all my clients this time. And to you my dear readers out there with this free one. Tell me what you think!

ps. Btw, if you feel left out and want to use the card for other occasion, do tell me! I'll set up a blank/ other greetings a.s.a.p.


  1. it's been a several years ago, when I use Idul Fitri greeting card..hehe
    thank you for share it

  2. Hi lovely
    thanks for visiting me!!!
    and this card is so gorgeous... and I really wanna it in blank... I'll use like "thank you cards"
    (I loved the flower pattern on background)

  3. it is lovely! I love things a little left of traditional, and you did it brilliantly.

  4. It's sweet & cute, kind a card I love...thanks for sharing it, mbak :)
    (wish you can taste my opor, mbak ;))

  5. Ning, you're so generous! The card looks lovely!

    Camila Faria

  6. I love the card. The pattern is super lovely!

  7. Oh, these are BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the background and the font you used for Happy Hari Raya! It's so....Maryjane-ish....(that's an actual non drug magazine by the way! ;) )

    Any chance you'd do one that's editable? I can see cards for EVERYTHING! :)


  8. Gosh, there is so much useful data above!


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