Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Much Love's Hearts

Have you noticed Anna's Much Love Monday? She host a linky and a flickr pool group to share your photos of heart shaped things. Anything. Well, today is my first time submitting after long time admiring. It got me hunt for heart shaped things everywhere. Guess blog post could make you crazier. *chuckles* I love when the photos show that it could be unexpectedly anywhere.

All heart photos here are taken by Anna herself, isn't she has the best-est taste? To see ones from everyone in the blogosphere visit here.


  1. yay! This post made me happy ^_^
    thank you for spreading the (much) love ;)


  2. What a sweet idea! I might have to keep an eye out for heart-shaped things too now. Thanks for sharing!
    ♥<--- Ooh lookie, there's one!

    To answer your question about the old-timey village, it wasn't a set. All of the structures were actual buildings you could walk into. There were even little shops set up inside! I wish you could see it in person, it's so neat!

  3. How lovely! Thanks for sharing -- I had no idea this was out there :)

  4. such a lovely post and I really like the blog!!


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