Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The world of make believe.

No, I'm not posting about Barney, so all of you sick of the purple dinosaur can relax. (anyway, who dresses up like Barney this Halloween, please raise your hand!! Noone?? last Halloween? no? So am I the only one finding Barney a little, emphasize this..a liiiittlleee... cute?) I loved role-playing as a kid, heck, if I'm not ashamed of my age, I'd still love to. And here are some make believe tools that keep me drooling all day..


  1. Make believe is so much fun. Who cares how old we are? Let's dress up like princesses and go frolicking through a daisy patch! ;-)

    The room in the last few photos completely took my breath away. It's like a little forest retreat! I would LOVE to be a little kid growing up in that room!

  2. Wow! That last room takes the cake. Love, love it! So magical.

  3. OH

    I'm honestly left speechless!

    Oh and Barney was my hero growing up. :) Barney rules, not matter what people say! (Well, the OLD Barney, not the recent stuff.)

    Belen ♥

  4. this makes me want to be a kid, or have a kid :)

  5. My daughter would LOVE to have a room like this!!!
    Like all of them!!!

  6. Wow, these rooms are amazing, especially the last one! I just found your blog via a link to your printable halloween dolls which are too adorable! I just started a blog myself and will definitely link back to you when we try out the dolls. Thank you for sharing them! I love your blog in general, by the way! Will definitely be stopping by regularly! :)

  7. I really really want to be a little girl all over again.

  8. that last room is so wonderful...it makes me want to create something magical for my little girls!

  9. Looks like the last room gets everybody's heart!

    Kami : Thank you, I will drop by on your site!

    Rosey : *wink-wink* an apple related craft coming up?

  10. The pink room especially is toooo cute!

  11. For the last set of pictures, that has to be one of the most darling kid's rooms I've ever seen. Makes me want to redecorate.

  12. Simply amazing stuff! Thank you for sharing with this world. I would definitely promote this to my friends and colleagues. I am looking forward to more from you…keep on posting such stuff…Great day dude!!!


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