Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Etsy Day!

Ok.. love it or not Etsy has changed the way we shop and sell and of course, craft. Today is Etsy day and many stores have special offer!


  1. LOL i had no idea there was an etsy day!

    Thanks for the congrats!

  2. OH my gosh!!! Thanks for the award; it's so cute! :)

    Happy Etsy Day! :)

  3. Etsy is really amazing. So much cute stuff to try not to spend money on!

  4. Etsy is wonderful and so ist your blog! :)

  5. Aww! I feel as if I'm missing out in NZ. We have no etsy and no ebay. We have alternatives which I'm happy with but they don't have the community feel that etsy does!

  6. ana.. isn't Etsy supposed to work worldwide?? I don't know about that, though, but I am really sorry that it doesn't work in NZ. Etsy is so much fun!

  7. Oh you are kidding me?? I am heading over there right now! I love Etsy!


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