Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blog, Illustrated!

I started my own blog just a few months ago, still a crawling baby of the blogosphere, but I have read many great blogs before I decided (and have the courage) to start my own. Here is the celebration of Blog world that I just discovered: Igor + Andre's Blogger Portrait Series. Can you recognized any of them? They are mostly fashion blogger, so if you're in tune, they're all be familiar. Danny Roberts, the man behind these drool worthy illustration, is a Californian based artist. He's simply doing a portrait of whoever inspire him as a way of giving back, how cool is that? Simple, yet very flattering and effective idea to capture your muse.

Here are my favorites of the series, not based on the object of illustrations, but on the execution of illustrating itself, I love the colors, compositions, and the whole feeling and energy these masterpieces have.

To enjoy more, visit here.


  1. Yes, I love looking at his blogger series and seeing who else he adds to the list.

  2. Wow...Bagus sekali ya ilustrasinya...Aku tau salah seorang blogger-nya "Alice Point" hehehe, aku suka liat orangnya...

    Iya, aku setuju sm kamu...Untung aja aku ngga jd beli, aku jg ga yakin klo dia sendiri yg nge-desain. Hahaha...

    Sekali lagi setuju buat idenya nyari2 barang vintage or garage stuff...Thx loh ;)

  3. wow awe thank you so much!
    really means alot! :)

  4. Danny dear! Thank you for visiting, you really are talented, don't mention it!

  5. hey very nice post nicely illustrated all the pics thanks for sharing it
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