Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Have a Merry Jolly Christmas from all of us at Babalisme!

by the way, it's a pop up Christmas card from Muji, it is also free! How great is that? Just ask for their Holiday catalog and it's right there on the end of the book.

Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year for all of you folks too!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Condolences

It's supposed to be the most joyous time of the year. I can't imagine what would Christmas be in Connecticut   , after the Sandy Hook tragedy.  I'm loss for words and deeply saddened by the massacre, especially because this time, it happened to children, happy innocent children who enthusiastically been looking forward for a Christmas cheer. Maybe their parents have wrapped and hidden their presents, tucked inside their cupboard with the children's name? Maybe they have been gone Christmas shopping together? Book a Christmas holiday, dinner, or a show for the family?

Losing a child, no mater how you experience it, at what stage of his/her life, is never ever easy. Be it through years on hospital bed, days in incubator, a terrible accident, or even a "mere" miscarriage. But maybe anger reign on a mass massacre tragedy, solely because there is an "executioner". But I don't know. I kinda feel that the shooter himself is the victim. Victim of what? Gun control? Media? Violence gaming? Can you really blame one thing? I simply don't know.  

My heart and prayers to all victim's family. I'm sorry for such a blabbering post, I am literally lost for words. It hurts inside, yet I have no words to express it. I will also never forget, courageous act done by teachers during the shooting, things that made them heroes, though I think they're already ones. God bless them all through this Christmas.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sugar Rush Dessert Table

Holy Dessert Table! Look what Amesh made for Nova ( Indonesian weekly women's tabloid, if you were wondering, it covers everything from gossips to relationship advice to crafting!), and I pitched in a little bit! I'm so proud of her amazing job on doing the dessert table's landscape, thank you for bringing me along the joyride! 

Amesh had an idea of aqua and red Christmas, a very fresh take on an overused, bi-color traditional Christmas theme. But still, it's very festive and merry!  These are taken on my own copy of Nova.... I think I could never ever throw the issue away. How about framing it? mmm.. 

The bigger pictures... 

See the gift tags on the below left picture? You can actually have them, you know. Here they are, lovely people, do print and share with your loved ones. And do bookmark this page, because all the printables you see here today will be available for download! Think you can top out Amesh's dessert table using the same printables? Share me the pics, and I will feature your own dessert table here on my blog, and tell Amesh she's got competition. How about a real-life er...  virtual Christmas dessert table competition? ...What do you guys think? 

Here are the long list of all the crafters and the bakers participating in making the dessert table come true. but still, Amesh, you can take a deep bow and hold your head up high now because you deserve a standing ovation.

Kind enough to grab yourself an issue? Please please please get Nova issue XXV or Dec 3-9, 2012 on your local book store or magazine stall before it runs out. Unfortunately it's sold in Indonesia only.  Fret not. Think of all the free printables you'll get and craft your own dessert table away!