Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

How's the turkey? Let's put away the scale and enjoy the feast.

Speaking of feast... I nearly faint in joy (and peed my pants a little) when I found out I won the "Which Marc Jacobs are you?" contest at hotchocolateandmint, the uber famous fashion blog in Indonesia. I won 100US$ gift certificate of!! Yaaaay!! Christmas came early for me! Don't get me wrong, I may not sound like a fashion expert, but my affair with fashion has long been intertwined. As you can guess, I love fashion but fashion is just not into me. *sob* no worries, I will always love you, dear fashion. (why am I writing this with Karl Lagerfeld's image on mind??)

I painted this as my gratitude to lovely Diana. Check her blog out, she's the Brianboy of Indonesia.

ps. now now what shall I get with my 100US$? *winkwink*

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monsier et Madame...

I wish I could speak French, I'd look totally sophisticated and honorable. Sssh, Dream aside, eatdrinkchic provides the best gift tags for you this season. And it's totally free to download and print (praise her!). I love how versatile it is, it can be used as place cards, bookplates, or even toilet directions when you have an open house this season ("bebe" for diaper changing or nursing rooms? Great idea!).

Indulge, dearies, whether you speak French or not.

Monday, November 16, 2009

B is for..

..bunting and C is for crafting your own bunting. Who doesn't love bunting? They simply upgrade a nice humble room into party mode. Much like sequin dresses do to mothers, only better and way easy on the cost. Here's a tutorial for the simplest bunting for the simplest and most practical craft heads (like me). Enjoy.

Thanks to happythingsforkids.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Good News!

Extra! Extra! Some of my printables are available to print, once again! I decided to use Scribd, tough it takes time for me to understand the procedure (not the tech savvy gal here) and finally upload the files (and 3 times firefox connection failure while I was uploading), and in the celebration of the printables' comeback, I'd like to thank Jenn of rookno17 for the tip, yippeee, thanks, Jen!

Why "some of them"? I will eventually upload them all back, but I try to find the best connection of the day, because when it's not the best time, it's very frustrating, trust me. If you find your favorite printables still unable to be downloaded, please, do tell me, which one is it, and I try to upload it for you.
In the mean time, there's this new blog I am curently obsessed about called bukaretsleting. It's about a twenty something lad who is willing to execute your dare, any dare, proposed to him on the blog. My favorite one is him going to a crowded mall in pink leggings and him kissing a mean looking police officer. He just started out, but I do wish for more.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Konnichiwa, Hipoto!

Have you ever get excited for your daughter's toy? Kokuyo, the famous stationary brand from Japan has just released a new environmental-friendly toy line. My brother, Baby G's uncle, obviously, managed to get me, eeer.. Baby G, one of its toy. It's a hippopotamus hand puppet, apparently named Hipoto and he has a lot of vegetables and other food to chop, and he need Baby G's help. Exciting, isn't it?

..last but not least, you have to know that things do not originate from Japan if they don't have a quirky catch, so let me tell you a dark little secret about Hipoto. He poops. Yes, according to the instruction leaflet, he does. We tested it last night and couldn't stop laughing. Interested?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

This is the kind of..

...bribery I'm talking about. Arlene is posing her 2 year old to beg for my Halloween printable. I melt, of course. I hope she will have fun with it. Look how adorable this girl is!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My own RiceBabbies!

Kellie's doll is here!!! I'm super excited but try not too obviously crazed in this post. ..mmhhmmm (clears throat)...So, Kellie did this one to resemble Baby G, but since Baby G has yet to grown very little hair, has lighter skin than me, and doesn't have my olive shaped eyes, my husband said the doll looks like me. He even tried to actually pin a needle on it, checking if it was really my voodoo doll, cute, isn't he?Thanks, Kellie!

Monday, November 2, 2009

I'd like to make an announcement...

So, how was your Halloween? Me? Nah... if I dressed up for Halloween or celebrating something similar to Halloween in Indonesia, we'll be addressed swiftly to city asylum, that's for sure, or burnt on a stake.

OK, enough with the chitchat .. I am here to inform a very bad news for you. My Halloween printables, or any of my other printables will be unavailable to download, TEMPORARILY. That's it. I have heard many of you complaining about the file hosting web I'm using for those printables and I am now looking for a new one. If you have any suggestion for a file hosting web that is :
  • free at all times (for me and those who download)
  • large file storage capacity
  • doesn't have any file storage limit per month/year/GB/etc, if it has, it's got to be a really spacy limit
  • user friendly (for any providers, computers, and minds)
  • virus, ads, malware, and those kind of internet-nasties free
..please do tell me. Maybe I'll be asking about how to use it too as I'm not very tech savvy (I even googled a how-to for Twitter!) , please guide me as well. That's it for now, thank you for your understanding, and as soon as I find this site I will upload all of my printables again.

Thank you

ps. If you really really in need in one of my printables, just email me and I will consider sending you the file, under these circumstances only: you need my printables to save your son's life, you need it to save your marriage, you have better stories than those, send me a bribery/ threat, and/or I have nothing better to do. :) Thanks!

pss. As usual I bribe you with Baby G's photo if I have done something bad. Hope you'll forgive me.